Clic is a free online community here to support everyone with their mental health.
Connect with others for mutual support, share your thoughts and find helpful information.
Clic is an online community here to support everyone with their mental health
Clic is a free UK-wide online community here to support adults with their mental health
Whether you have a question about your mental health, want to share your own tips and advice, or just have a general chat about your day. Quickchat allows online conversations between members.
Find helpful information and discuss topics which matter to you in our friendly discussion forums.
From wellbeing videos to budget planning tools, our information hub contains a variety of useful resources to help you manage your mental health.
Tune in for live discussions with experts to discuss mental health, lifestyle and wellbeing.
Our Clic community is made up of people from all over the UK with a wide range of mental health experiences.
Demand for the platform has significantly decreased and the costs of monitoring the platform are considerable.
New sign-ups are no longer permitted so that we can support the existing community.
Find out moreWe regret to say the Clic platform is closing at the end of March 2025. Demand for the platform has significantly decreased and the costs of monitoring the platform are considerable.
New sign-ups are no longer permitted so that we can support the existing community.
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